Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week 2 Lab 2

1.  Beverly Hill Quadrangle
     California-Los Angeles Co
2.  Topanga, Hollywood, Van Nuys, Venice, Canoga Park, Burbank, Inglewood
3.  1966
4.  North American Datum of 1927, National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
5.  1:24,000
6.a. 1,200 m
   b. 1.895 mi
   c. 2.64 in
   d. 12.5 cm
7.  20 ft
8.  a. 118 26' 21" East, 34 04' 28" North
         -118.439205, 34.074453
     b. 118 29' 59" East, 34 00' 27" North
         -118.499715, 34.007598
     c. 118 24' 44" East, 34 5' 55" North
         -118.412361, 34.098728
9.  a. Greystone Mansion: 560 ft/ 170.69 m
     b. Woodlawn Cemetery: 140 ft/  42.62 m
     c. Crestwood Hills Park: 650 ft/ 198.12 m
10.  UTM Zone 11
11.  3763 Km North 361.5 Km East
12.  1 km squared

14.  positive 14 degrees
15.  North to South


  1. Whpps. I am not able to view Q13 image..

  2. Sorry about that. I have a Mac and could not tell it was like that. hopefully I have now fixed the problem. Thank you.

